Our permanent business contact with the rest of the World allows us to identify attractive for the export of Argentine Products Opportunities. Argentina is internationally recognized for the quality of its agricultural products, by attributes its livestock industry and by their fishing and mining resources. Given these characteristics, the country has a s preferential position on supply prospects in the most sophisticated global markets.

London Supply, through its team of specialists, identifies the various international demands and suppliers, bringing them together within the framework of international trade.

Maderas de la Mesopotamia S.A is a manufacturing company specialized in the production and commercialization of wood pellets. We use the best technology available so that our finished goods comply with the highest international quality standards.

Our manufacturing plant is located in the Puerto Iguazú Free Trade Zone (Zona Franca de Puerto Iguazú-ZFPI) Misiones, Argentina. Our business and administration offices are situated in the City of Buenos Aires. One of our goals is to protect the natural environment that surrounds us.

http://www.frontierpellets.com http://www.maderasdelamesopotamia.com